
Hello! My name is Nassima. I am a founding teacher at Arc En Ciel.

My first teaching experience was at a Junior High School, where I was in charge of administering national exams and suggesting new teaching methods that increased students’ test scores. This is where I realized I wanted to pursue teaching as a career. For seven years, I worked with special needs preschoolers in New York City. During this period, I was very devoted to helping children learn and show progress during their early years.

I received a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature and Psychology before moving to the U.S. Since moving, I received a teaching assistant certificate in Early Childhood Education from The City University of New York. I am also a mother of three beautiful girls that enrich my life.

I come from an international background as I was given the opportunity to learn three languages at a young age, which is why I am very excited to be working in a bilingual setting. I find it highly important for children to learn languages at an early age, as it can help them to develop socially and cognitively.

For the past five years, I have made Arc En Ciel my professional home! Here, I am able to serve the children by sharing my experience and devotion to helping them learn in a safe and rich environment.